
For the business relationship and legal relationships between Persera Middle East FZ-LLC (hereinafter Trading Deals/PME/we/us/our) and the registered user (hereinafter member) exclusively these General Terms and Conditions (GTC) apply. The GTC are already available to the member for reading, printing and saving before registration and are agreed and valid upon registration. In case of doubt, the German version of our documents is authoritative for legal relationships with Trading Deals.


We provide freely available information about financial service providers, such as brokers, and other service providers in the financial industry (hereinafter referred to as partners) at as well as online and offline presentations and communication channels in connection therewith. In return, we may receive payments from our partners from which we finance benefits for our members. Members can receive remuneration from us or benefits from the partner when using our services by qualified use of certain services of our partners (see Deals).
By registering with Trading Deals, for a member therefore it can be financially cheaper to do business with one of our partners than if the member concludes this business with the relevant partner without registering with us.
Under no circumstances shall a financial service or any other service requiring permission or regulation be deemed to be the object of our services. In this context, the provision of proof intermediation alone (e.g. proof of trading accounts) shall be deemed agreed for our services relating to financial service providers/financial services in the cases in question.
All claims of the member against us from this contractual relationship are agreed solely as consideration for the provision of the member data for the provision of our intermediation and marketing services for our partners. Excluded is the linking of the contractual relationship between member and us with its actions / omissions at our partners or third parties. In particular, the financial decisions are made by the member on his own responsibility and independent of the legal relationship with Trading Deals. It is agreed as excluded that the services provided by us are used by the member as a basis for legal or financial decisions or other conduct or the change of such decisions and conduct. In particular for the amount of the financial value of benefits from Deals for an individual member, the scope of the member's conduct and decisions (e.g. the qualified use of services of our partners) is used solely and exclusively as an internal and economic basis for calculation and not as a condition for the claim of services per se. It is therefore expressly forbidden for the member to adjust his behaviour in any way to the variable amount of the financial value of his individual deal. The member may only use data that can be viewed by the member to track the financial value of our services to the member. Under no circumstances may our services and information be understood as an incentive by the member, but only as a practical source of information.
The member acknowledges that the use and unrestricted functionality of cookies, tracking, online visitor traffic analysis and similar methods may be fundamental to the provision of our services to our users and members. If these and similar methods are restricted, Trading Deals is not obliged to provide its services to the extent of the restriction.

Conclusion of contract

In order to be able to use our services and the possible advantages from it, a registration as a member is a prerequisite. This creates a contract between the member and Trading Deals. For this purpose, the member must submit an application for registration (hereinafter application) by entering the required data in the registration form together with the acceptance of these GTC as the basis of the contractual relationship. The registration further presupposes that the member truthfully transmits the data requested in the registration form and is an unrestrictedly contractually capable natural person over 18 years of age. Legal entities and companies can become members if a natural person with unlimited legal capacity over the age of 18 years and the necessary authorization performs the registration. Deviating conditions of the member does Trading Deals not accept, unless we have expressly agreed to them in writing. If there are justified doubts about the age of majority, Trading Deals reserves the right to demand proof of age from the member. After application, an activation e-mail is automatically sent to the e-mail address provided by the member. The member must then click on the link contained in this activation e-mail to confirm his registration. After clicking on the registration link, the member will receive a welcome e-mail if we accept the offer to register. The registration and thus the conclusion of the contract are thereby completed.
There is no legal claim to registration. Trading Deals is entitled to refuse applications or other offers to conclude a contract without giving reasons.


Deals are the financial benefits that a member can obtain through qualified business activities with our partners. The exact description of this qualified activity and other requirements can be found on the relevant Trading Deal website or in our own marketing communications relating to the Deal. In addition, the partner's terms and conditions, which are communicated to the member by the partner, may also apply.
The starting point for a deal is regularly, but not always, that the member becomes a new customer of the partner and/or makes use of the services of the partner. In addition, there may be conditions for the extent to which the services with us or with the partner are used or similar conditions.
In addition, it is always a prerequisite that the member is assigned to us by the partner. The list of all these aforementioned prerequisites for a Deal concerning the partner is made solely by our partners. They are to be fulfilled by the member and can be recognized with final effect only by the partner as fulfilled. Trading Deals is bound to this. The requirements vary from partner to partner. Trading Deals does not take over any guarantee and warranty for the acknowledgment of the fulfillment of conditions for a Deal by the partner. This does not apply to services which are originally only to be fulfilled by Trading Deals itself.
If the conditions for a Deal are fulfilled, the member is entitled to the financial benefits and payments based on the Deal value in combination with the partner's recognition as well as the benefits and payments actually granted by our partners.
Upon termination of a partnership between Trading Deals and partners, the associated Deals shall cease to be valid and Trading Deals shall accordingly no longer be obliged.

Deal value

The financial value of an advantage from a Deal (deal value) results from the respective current description of the Deal at Trading Deals.
This description can have an estimating, exemplary, descriptive or variable character with reference to the partner's circumstances. In this case, the deal value is concretized by corresponding information from the partner. In some cases, the concrete deal value only results from the individual business activities of the member with the partner. In such cases, the member is obliged to obtain the relevant information on the deal value for his own needs on his own responsibility and on his own initiative.
In the case of a deal value for a concrete example of a qualified business action of the member with the partner or/and with us, it is the exact value for this example. Deal values marked accordingly can also indicate maximum or average amounts.
The calculation basis for the deal is derived from the respective current description of the Deal in Trading Deals. The calculation basis is usually the qualified business action of the member at the partner which is regarded as a prerequisite.
Trading Deals can change the amount of the deal value at any time with correspondingly accessible information. A deviation from the deal values described at Trading Deals can also occur if the member has made individual agreements with the partner or the partner pays us or the member directly a different payment for a member.


The financial benefit of a Deal can have a direct impact by at the partner or paid directly by the partner to the member. Otherwise, the Trading Deals member may receive from us the financial benefit from the Deal. For payments from Trading Deals to a member on this occasion, the member must first complete and verify personal details in the member area. In addition, the payment claim only arises once the partner has made the full payment for the member to us, which is related to the member's Deal.
The member must choose from a selection of payout options provided by us and submit a complete and correct payout request. There may be a previously displayed minimum withdrawal amount.
If all requirements for a withdrawal claim are met, the payment is due at the end of the following month.
Settlements to credit balances and payments to members by Trading Deals themselves are without complaint after 4 weeks considered approved. For settlements of credit balances, payments or other advantages directly at the partners their regulations apply.
In each individual case, it always applies that the specific payment claim of the member results from the information calculated, recognised and made available by the partner.


Neither the membership and the registration or our services in relation to the Deals generate costs in relation of us to the member. Trading Deals does not charge its members any costs in the normal course of business. Exceptions are payments of Trading Deals. According to our information during the payout process, there is a fee for this. In addition, in the case of payments from Trading Deals, the member must bear the costs of payment transactions with the payment service provider. Trading Deals is entitled to charge its own costs for the processing and execution of settlements and payments. Trading Deals may offset the costs of payment transactions as well as the costs charged by us ourselves against the member's credit balance on the member account.


The member assures Trading Deals to truthfully and completely provide all data necessary for registration and to inform us immediately of any changes to his deposited data or to change these himself in his member area. For information about changed data the member can write also by E-Mail or online in the contact form to the support of us. Trading Deals reserves the right to legitimize a registration in the form of an official and valid ID of the member to carry out or require. Should this verification not be provided by the member, Trading Deals has the right to refuse or terminate the membership without giving reasons. In particular, the illegal disclosure of third party data is not permitted.
Irrespective of other legal regulations, Trading Deals is entitled to refuse the provision of its services to the member in whole or in part and to block the access of the respective member to our services in the event of the provision of false data, in the event of abusive action or illegal actions by the member. The member's data record can be provided with a blocking notice by Trading Deals in order to exclude the member from using the services in the future, in particular from re-registering.
The member is obliged to keep the access data and passwords secret and to prevent unauthorized use of the access granted to the member by third parties. If the member becomes aware of the misuse of his data, he must inform Trading Deals immediately. In case of misuse, we are entitled to block access to our services. The member is solely liable for any misuse for which he is responsible and for any illegal actions for which he is responsible. In this context, the member shall indemnify and hold Trading Deals harmless.
For legal relations between member and partner only the legal regulations of the partners are authoritative. Trading Deals is, as far as legally permissible, never a contracting party or other obligated party from the legal relationship between member and partner. The member himself is responsible for the correct and complete display of our online services by suitable technical resources. In the event of further development of the technical components of our services, it is the member's responsibility to make the necessary adjustments to the technology used by him after receiving information from us.


If required and applicable by law, the member can make use of a statutory right of withdrawal with regard to the registration with us in a timely manner.

Instructions on withdrawal

Right of withdrawal

You have the right to withdraw from this contract within 14 days without giving any reason. The withdrawal period will expire after 14 days from the day of the conclusion of the contract. To exercise the right of withdrawal, you must inform us (Persera Middle East FZ-LLC, B01-G40 Service Block, Al Hulaila Industrial Zone - FZ, Ras Al Khaimah, UAE, of your decision to withdraw from this contract by an unequivocal statement (e.g. a letter sent by post or e-mail). You may use the attached model withdrawal form, but it is not obligatory.
To meet the withdrawal deadline, it is sufficient for you to send your communication concerning your exercise of the right of withdrawal before the withdrawal period has expired.

Effects of withdrawal

If you withdraw from this contract, we shall reimburse to you all payments received from you, including the costs of delivery (with the exception of the supplementary costs resulting from your choice of a type of delivery other than the least expensive type of standard delivery offered by us), without undue delay and in any event not later than 14 days from the day on which we are informed about your decision to withdraw from this contract. We will carry out such reimbursement using the same means of payment as you used for the initial transaction, unless you have expressly agreed otherwise; in any event, you will not incur any fees as a result of such reimbursement.
If you requested to begin the performance of services during the withdrawal period, you shall pay us an amount which is in proportion to what has been provided until you have communicated us your withdrawal from this contract, in comparison with the full coverage of the contract.

Model withdrawal form

(complete and return this form only if you wish to withdraw from the contract)

• To:
Persera Middle East FZ-LLC
B01-G40 Service Block
Al Hulaila Industrial Zone - FZ
Ras Al Khaimah, UAE
• I/We (*) hereby give notice that I/We (*) withdraw from my/our (*) contract of sale of the following goods (*)/for the provision of the following service (*)
• Ordered on (*)/received on (*)
• Name of consumer(s)
• Address of consumer(s)
• Signature of consumer(s) (only if this form is notified on paper)
• Date
(*) Delete as appropriate.


Trading Deals is entitled to terminate the contract with immediate effect for significant cause. An important reason exists in particular if the performance of the service becomes impossible for reasons for which the member is responsible or if the member violates essential obligations under this contract. This is in particular the case if the member provides false data or in case of misuse or suspicion of illegal actions by the member.
The member is entitled to terminate the contract at any time without giving reasons. The membership with Trading Deals can be terminated by both sides with a period of notice of 4 weeks. The notice is to be addressed in text form to an e-mail address of the support of Trading Deals or the e-mail in the imprint of Trading Deals.


Every member has the possibility, but not the claim, as an affiliate to recruit new members for Trading Deals and to earn a share of our income concerning the recruited members. For this purpose individual referrer links with cookie connection and affiliate IDs are provided in the member area. Affiliates have their own area in the member area of Trading Deals.

Rights and obligations of affiliates

In addition to the rights and obligations of a member arising from the legal relationship with us, affiliates are affected by the following rules. The Affiliate is not a representative, trading partner, agent, employee or freelancer of Trading Deals and will not act on our behalf or make statements of any kind on our behalf. This contract does not create any employment or commercial relationship beyond the agreement of marketing services.

The affiliate is obliged:
- to refrain from any competition towards Trading Deals or to promote foreign competition towards us,
- to comply with all legal regulations and laws in connection with his activity,
- to inform us immediately as soon as he becomes aware that he and/or Trading Deals could have violated legal regulations or laws,
- to inform each potential member, expressly or upon request, of the relationship between the affiliate and Trading Deals, in particular: that he and Trading Deals are separate legal entities, that he does not act as a trading or other agent for Trading Deals and that he is not a shareholder or co-entrepreneur of Trading Deals, that he (the prospective) consents to the transfer of his data to Trading Deals for processing and that affiliate receives payment from us for his marketing in relation to the referred members,
- to inform Trading Deals immediately of any complaints and/or disputes that a (potential) member may have against the affiliate or us in relation to common matters. The affiliate will provide Trading Deals with all written communications, notices and other documents and information created or received in connection therewith,
- to pay us a reasonable contractual penalty for breach of the agreements with us and to indemnify and hold us harmless to the maximum extent permitted by law for all incidents detrimental to us caused by the affiliate.

The affiliate assures:
- that he has the necessary official permits, registrations or other approvals for its activities in accordance with the applicable legal regulations and laws,
- that in connection with this affiliate agreement he will not engage in any activities other than referring prospectives without our consent and will make no pledges or other binding statements to potential members with respect to services of Trading Deals,
- not to make any statements to potential members or other third parties on behalf of or for Trading Deals,
- not to use the name or logo of Trading Deals or any other legally protected material without the prior consent of Trading Deals or the relevant copyright holder,
- to publish and/or disseminate written information or other material and content about Trading Deals and its services and to make this known to Trading Deals before using and to use this only with the consent of Trading Deals. We reserve the right to revoke an already given consent at any time. In this case, the affiliate is obligated to immediately cease the use and to immediately remove these materials and information,
- not to send spam by e-mail or to advertise in social media in an excessive manner, or not to unfair or unlawful exercise in any other way his activity as an affiliate.
Trading Deals pays the affiliate a success-based marketing budget:
- if, following the referral of a potential member by the affiliate, the member makes a full registration with us and generates revenue for us from an existing partner of ours with a qualified business activity,
- unless otherwise agreed, of 20% of the net remunerations accrued by us and actually paid and remaining to us by our partners for each member referred by the affiliate (net remuneration here means the deduction of the financial benefits distributed to the member from his Deal with us).

The resulting affiliate remuneration to private individuals is to be understood as net equal to gross. In the case of affiliate remuneration for commercial/entrepreneurial activities with business accounting, the marketing budget is to be understood as gross including all taxes and duties to be reported and/or incurred in this relation.
The obligation of Trading Deals to pay the marketing budget to the affiliate shall not apply if this contract is terminated or otherwise ends. If the affiliate's activities lead to a conflict with our interests, we are entitled to terminate the cooperation.
The marketing budget is credited at least once a month in arrears and is listed in the member / affiliate area. For the payment of the marketing budget the point "Payments" in these GTC applies accordingly.
The marketing budget claim fully covers the affiliate's activities; in particular, there is no claim for reimbursement of expenses or other costs.
Trading Deals will provide the affiliate with reports on referred customers on a quarterly basis at the latest upon request. Trading Deals will provide the affiliate with statistics on the activity of referrer links at regular intervals upon request.
Trading Deals is entitled to cooperate with other affiliates and to take other marketing measures.

Terms of use and liability

For the access of members to the website or services of Trading Deals, the use and liability regulations listed here and elsewhere in these GTC apply. If members not accept these terms, they are not allowed to access to the website and the services furthermore.

Local/personal restrictions
Neither the website/services nor the information and functions contained therein are addressed to or intended for members in countries or jurisdictions, in which the publication and/or distribution of those information and functions and/or the marketing for this is forbidden in general of for the member is unlawful or such publication/distribution/marketing is prohibited without prior authorization or approval and the relevant authorizations or approvals have not been obtained. Every member is responsible for oneself to inform about possible restrictions before access and further use of the website/services and to comply with restrictions.
In the event of an existing local or personal restriction of content, functions and advertising, in particular with regard to financial services, it is deemed to be accepted and agreed that the member who nevertheless accesses it shall do so entirely on his own initiative and without any influence or request from Trading Deals.

Content and information
The content of the website and our services have no regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any specific recipient. Unless specifically stated otherwise, all price information is indicative only. No representation or warranty, either express or implied, is provided in relation to the accuracy, completeness or reliability of the content/services. The content/services are not a complete statement of the securities, markets or developments referred to herein. Furthermore the content/services should not be regarded by members as a substitute for the exercise of their own judgment. In no case should the member align/adapt his behaviour with the services, information or other contents of trading deals or understand these as an incentive for a certain behaviour.
Any opinions are subject to change without notice and may differ or be contrary to opinions expressed by other business areas of Trading Deals as a result of using different assumptions and criteria.
As far as legally permissible Trading Deals is not under any obligation to update or keep current the information contained herein. Otherwise in case of checking and updating meanwhile the information may have changed despite all the diligence. Therefore Trading Deals does not assume liability for or guarantee the timeliness, accuracy and completeness of the content. The information contained in the website/services are just for informational purposes. Trading Deals does not provide financial services or financial analysis in his own name. No information published on the website or with our services constitute a solicitation, an offer or a recommendation to buy or sell any financial instruments, to effect any transaction, or to conclude any legal act of any kind whatsoever. Trading Deals does not intend to provide investment, legal, tax or other advice through the website/services. The content/services do never provide the only basis for investment or other decisions. Trading Deals is not liable for that any securities or services discussed are suitable for any member. When making a decision about your investments, you should seek the advice of a professional financial advisor.
The website may contain statements that constitute forward looking statements. While these forward looking statements may represent the judgment and the future expectations of Trading Deals, a number of risks, uncertainties and other important factors could cause actual developments and results to differ materially from the expectations of Trading Deals. As far as permissible Trading Deals is under no obligation to and expressly disclaims any such obligation to update or alter its forward looking statements whether as a result of new information, future events, or otherwise.

No warranty and liability
The use of the website and services as well as of integrated contents and services of third parties is at the own risk of the member. Any use of the content and services for making financial or legal decisions remains a self-dependent and self-contained decision of the member. The information contained on the website and in the services are provided as is and as available. Trading Deals makes no representations or warranties of any kind, either express or implied, with respect to the information and functionality contained on the website, in our services or in the services provided by third parties. Without limiting the foregoing, Trading Deals does not warrant the accuracy, timeliness, completeness, reliability or availability of the website/services or the information or results obtained from use of the website/services, or that the website/service is virus-free or error-free.
To the fullest extent permitted by law, in no event shall Trading Deals or any of its representatives, employees or contractors have any liability whatsoever to any person for any direct or indirect loss, liability, cost, claim, expense or damage of any kind, whether in contract or in tort, including negligence, or otherwise, arising out of or related to the use of all or part of the website/services, even if Trading Deals has been advised of the possibility of the same.
To the extent required by law, the liability of Trading Deals remains unaffected in the event of proven intent or gross negligence on the part of employees of Trading Deals. As far as permissible, Trading Deals is in no way responsible for content, services, marketing or other actions / omissions of third parties.

Force majeure
Trading Deals is not liable for damages caused by force majeure, riots, war and natural disasters or by other events for which Trading Deals is not responsible (e.g. strike, lockout, traffic disruption, sovereign orders at home or abroad) or due to technical disruptions (such as the EDP system) not culpably caused. Force majeure also include computer viruses and similar or intentional attacks on IT systems by so-called "hackers", provided that appropriate protective measures have been taken against such attacks.

Links and commission note
Our websites / services may contain third party content or links to third party websites / services. These content and links are provided solely for your convenience and information. Trading Deals has no control over, does not assume any responsibility for and does not make any warranties or representations as to, any third party content or websites/services, including but not limited to, the accuracy, subject matter, quality or timeliness. Trading Deals shall have no liability for third party content, services or websites or websites linking to or framing our website/service.
Certain links may be used to allow Trading Deals to receive compensation / commissions by third parties for their use or subsequent actions.

Intellectual property rights, copyrights

Trading Deals, or the applicable third party owner, retains all right, title and interest (including copyrights, trademarks, patents, as well as any other intellectual property or other right) in all information and content (including all text, data, graphics and logos) on the website. Individual pages and/or sections of the website may be printed for personal use only, and provided that such print outs retain all applicable copyright or other proprietary notices. All users must not, without limitation, modify, copy, transmit, distribute, display, perform, reproduce, publish, license, frame, create derivative works from, transfer or otherwise use in any other way for commercial or public purposes in whole or in part any information, text, graphics, images, video clips, directories, databases, listings or software obtained from the website without the prior written permission of Trading Deals. Systematic retrieval of content from the website to create or compile, directly or indirectly, a collection, compilation, database or directory (whether trough robots, spiders, automatic devices or manual processes) or creating links to the website without written permission from Trading Deals is prohibited.

Risk description

CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. A certain percentage of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with the providers mentioned here. The exact proportion can be found in the provider's description and the general risk information provided by us. You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.
Trading financial instruments carries a high level of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. This applies in particular to leveraged financial instruments (trading on margin). The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you. From a positive value development of a financial instrument in the past, no conclusion can be drawn for future benefits. Due to political, economical or other changes or events, significant losses may occur. In addition exchange rate fluctuations of foreign currencies can influence profits and losses. Before deciding to trade any financial instrument or making any other decision with financial impact you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience and risk appetite. You should be aware of all the risks and opportunities associated with the trading of the concerned financial instrument or with any other financial decision. Ensure that you fully understand the risks involved. The possibility exists that you could sustain a loss even in excess of your initial investment. Only invest with money you can afford to lose. If necessary you should seek independent advice.

Amendment of these GTC

Trading Deals is entitled to change these GTC with effect for the future at any time without giving reasons. In this case Trading Deals will inform the member about the change in time. If the member does not object to the changes within 4 weeks from receipt of the change notification, the GTC apply to him in the new version. Trading Deals will point this out to the member in the change notification to this consequence.

Applicable law, place of jurisdiction

The law of the United Arab Emirates shall apply to these General Terms and Conditions and the legal relationship between us and the member. Unless otherwise stipulated by law, all disputes arising from or in connection with these GTC and the other contractual and legal relationship with us are subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts at the registered office of Persera Middle East.
